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Army Men Strike Mod إلى عن على android

قوات صغير، قتال كبير! ادارة جيش في حرب ضارية ضد لاعبين حقيقيين. ⚔️ 🌎 🏆

Army Men Strike: A Nostalgic Blast from the Past

Relive your childhood with Army Men Strike, a mobile game that takes you back to the days of miniature plastic soldiers and epic battles. Lead your green army, pilot miniature helicopters, and command tanks in a fight against enemies across your living room, kitchen, and backyard.

Build your base: Establish your Command Center in your bedroom, turn your piggy bank into a resource bank, and utilize the toy train for resource transportation.

Strengthen your army: Design and build your own battle mechs to confront the enemy. Recruit iconic characters from popular games to bolster your ranks. Upgrade your troops, tanks, cannons, and snipers to dominate the battlefield.

Conquer and expand: Outmaneuver your opponents to claim more territory and expand your domain. Construct defensive structures to thwart enemy attacks.

Strategic combat: Utilize your soldiers and heroes wisely, employing strategy and cunning in every battle. Study your opponents and scout their defenses before launching an attack.

Global community: Join forces with your friends and fight together in an alliance. Forge relationships with other alliances. Chat with players worldwide and share your experiences.

Welcome back to your childhood: Immerse yourself in the world of Army Men Strike and relive the nostalgia of your younger days.

Please note: Army Men Strike is free to download and play, but some in-game items can be purchased. To disable this feature, turn off "in-app purchases" in your device's settings. An internet connection is required to play.

Support: Need help? Contact the developers by clicking "Settings" -> "Contact Admin" -> "Send Email to GM" within the game.

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Developed by: VolcanoGames and distributed on Google Play for Android.

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معلومات مفصلة:

الإستراتيجية Android تطبيق

محدث بحجم التثبيت
3 سبتمبر 2022 203.63 MB +10,000,000
الإصدار تقييم إعلانات
4.2 والأحدث مراهقون (العناصر العنيفة, دماء‬) لا يحتوي على إعلانات
السعر شراء داخل التطبيق
Free نعم
إصدار الإصدار التغييرات
3.141.0 إصدار ٣.٧٤.٠
تم تحسين بعض المشكلة
مطور الفئة
VolcanoGames الإستراتيجية