Nike Training Club –تمارين وخطط لتعزيز اللياقة screenshot 1Nike Training Club –تمارين وخطط لتعزيز اللياقة screenshot 2Nike Training Club –تمارين وخطط لتعزيز اللياقة screenshot 3

Nike Training Club –تمارين وخطط لتعزيز اللياقة MOD إلى عن على android

تطبيق Nike Training Club يقدم تمارين وخطط للياقة من خبراء Nike.

Get fit with Nike Training Club, your comprehensive workout companion. It offers over 185 free exercises ranging from strength and endurance training to yoga, guided by world-class Nike trainers. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a beginner, our personalized workout plans adapt to your needs and schedule, helping you achieve your fitness goals.

Short on Time? No Problem!

Don't have hours to spare? Nike Training Club offers time-efficient workouts that require minimal equipment, letting you achieve results even with a busy schedule.

Personalized Workout Recommendations

"Picked For You" workouts provide daily workout ideas tailored to your individual needs. The more you use the app, the more recommendations adapt to your preferences and fitness level.

Flexible Training Plans Just for You

Get started with a customized training plan that adjusts as you progress, accommodating your busy schedule and other activities.

Expert Tips from Top Trainers

Curated workout collections come with expert advice to enhance your routine and help you reach your fitness goals. From targeting specific muscle groups to burning fat and building strength, the app provides valuable guidance in achieving your desired results.

Workouts for All Levels

The Nike Training Club library offers a diverse range of workouts for all levels:

Get Inspired by Leading Athletes

Stay motivated with workouts curated by renowned athletes like:

Track All Your Activities

Log various activities like basketball, cycling, studio classes, and more to get a holistic view of your fitness progress. The app also syncs with Apple Health, keeping your workout data centralized.

Track Your Runs

Use Nike Run Club in conjunction with Nike Training Club to automatically log your runs and view them within your activity history.

With all these features and more, Nike Training Club is the ultimate tool for achieving your fitness goals. Download the app today and start your journey towards a healthier and stronger you!

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معلومات مفصلة:

الصحة واللياقة البدنية Android تطبيق

محدث بحجم التثبيت
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Free نعم
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6.11.1 تمارين جديدة (متوفّرة في المملكة المتحدة فقط)
سريعة وبسيطة وهادئة: هذه التدريبات المركّزة الجديدة من المستوى المبتدئ المتمحورة حول التمارين المكثّفة وتمارين اليوغا تحقّق أقصى استفادة من كل دقيقة وتجعل قراراتك قابلة للتحقيق.
مطور الفئة
Nike, Inc. الصحة واللياقة البدنية